Quality coaching goes a long way
Are you ready?
The most efficient way to see progress is treating yourself to coaching sessions.
Quality Coaching Goes A Long Way .
Our team consists of level 2 surf / official smooth star coaches and certified personal trainers. With our headquarters in the heart of Scheveningen, we train beginning intermediate to pro level surfers to be the best version of themselves!
We stand for quality surf coaching that takes place both in and out of the water. Our aim is to find you a realistic goal, get you there, and give you feedback both on the beach aswell as online afterward for optimal progress!

What We Stand For
Seeing yourself surf is worth a bunch. If you are catching waves on your own easily, we would highly recommend this session. You will be coached as in a normal coaching session, you’ll be given surf drills and feedback. Every wave will be caught on camera for the professional analysis that you will receive within 48 hours after the session. Apart from the analysis, you will also receive the online coaching package. The online package that comes with this deal tells you your next goal and how to achieve it on your own. Instead of the online package, you are also welcome to come and plan together with us here in the Surf Performance Centre Scheveningen
Focus points
Line-up Strategy
Physical Stength And Mobility
Surf Technique
and more
“We coach surfers from low intermediate to advanced level“
North Se Surf Trainer is here for surfers of all levels. Some of our students just got their first wetsuit and are ready to learn to surf down the line, while others compete in the very top of the dutch surf tour. Check out what your level is below!

You have done some beginner classes. Now you are surfing by yourself and need a coaching session to get a bit more comfortable.

You have done some beginner classes. And are surfing on your own confidently. You want to bring your surfing to the next level.

You found your specific style of surfing. Not only that, but you know what you would like to work on, you just require a critical eye and experienced coach to get yourself there.